Getting Startup Capital

Startup capital is one of the most important parts of starting a business and there are many different ways to obtain it. Whether you are looking to get loans or investors, there is a right way to go into it and we can help you optimize your strategy.

Entity Selection

Entity selection is important for things like protecting owners or partners in a business, etc. Your entity type will also likely need to change as you grow. We can help you plan for things like this.

Startup Assistance

Starting a business is difficult and confusing. There are a lot of things to worry about such as financing, who your partners are, having a complete plan for operations, management structure company size, the list goes on. Here are some ways we can help you organize your ideas into an actionable plan.

Business Plan

A business plan is important for a few reasons. One reason is they give you a guide for which direction to go in. They can also be useful for getting loans and investors. .

General Consultation

No matter what gets thrown at you, we can be there to help you so you’re not alone. Whether it’s just general questions or advice. We’ve been through it and know just how difficult it can be, especially without someone who has done it.


Keeping track of company finances is important. All income and all expenses, as well as asset values and the amount you owe to others, should be kept up to date and used to make business decisions. If your books aren’t properly kept, it can lead to decisions being made with the wrong information, and even inaccurate tax returns. We ensure that your books are kept up to date and accurately describe what is going on in your business. All businesses are different, meaning you may not need all of these services to start or ever.

Income and Expense Tracking

We keep track of monthly income and expenses in each category of your business. This allows you to view how much your business is making or losing at any given time.

Payables and Receivables

Allowing consumers or businesses to pay you later for products and services can boost income. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to pay you on time or at all. It is important to keep track of who owes you and how much is owed to you collectively to ensure you are still benefitting from allowing debt. It is equally important to keep track of who your company owes and pay them on time time to avoid fees and frozen accounts.


Hiring employees isn’t always necessary, but when it is you need to make sure the proper systems are in place. You will need things like an Employer Identification Number (EIN), payroll tax accounts, proper paperwork from potential employees, the ability to file quarterly payroll tax returns, and more. While many of these things can be avoided by only hiring contractors, they still need paperwork collected and information returns filed for them as well. Without these systems, you can find it hard to catch up or even be hit with heavy penalties for not keeping or filing proper paperwork or not filing at all.

Book Cleanup

It happens to everyone. You think, “I can do the bookkeeping” or “I can hire someone” . You soon realize there isn’t enough time to run and bookkeep for your business or the person you hired has minimal experience. Either way, you let your books go for too long without the care they needed and now they’re going to take weeks to fix. Send them to us and we can fix them for you so you can focus all your attention on running your business.

Virtual Document Organization

Although we are a fully remote bookkeeping firm, we still need a way to view and organize your documents. We set up secure online storage for each company for you to upload things like invoices and receipts. All you need is a computer and a scanner or printer that can scan and you’re ready to go.

Tax Preparation

We can prepare and file your personal tax return.